CBT Nuggets requires the use of a unique email address when you sign up. You’ll use your email address to sign in, and it’s also where we’ll send you important notices about your account.
Each individual must access our system using a unique, single-user license during a valid subscription or promotional access period. That single-user license is connected to you, a named individual with a unique email address.
That’s why our email address policy prohibit accounts that use shared email addresses (such as info@, accounts@, training@ or itteam@company.com), as well as certain special characters like apostrophes.
We understand that you may want to use a fun email address to sign up for the single-user license or may otherwise use a particular email address for privacy reasons. Our policy is simple: your email address should be unique and used only by you for the term of your subscription.
If your email address contains a prohibited prefix, or is a generic email address, and you need to use it, please contact Learner Support for assistance. Similarly, our team may reach out to you to verify whether a particular email address is registered for your individual use only.
We appreciate your cooperation with this policy. If you have questions or would like additional clarification, please contact Learner Support.