This article will walk you through the primary functions of individual learner management in your CBT Nuggets account.
To access the Learner Management section of your account:
- Select your name in the top right of the page
- Select My Account from the dropdown
- Select Learner Management from the list on the left
- Adding a New Learner
- Managing Learners by CSV
- Removing a Learner
- Updating a Learner's Info
- Transferring Ownership
Adding a New Learner
New learners can be added to your team when you have unused licenses. You can check the total number of licenses you’ve assigned in the Learner Management section of your account.
To add a new learner, select Add a New Learner from the upper right corner of the site.
Enter a first name, last name, and email address.
Transferring a License to a New Learner
If one of your team members leaves your team or otherwise does not need one of your licenses, you can transfer the license to a new learner:
- If your team member no longer needs their license, you can remove them from the account
- You can then add a new learner to the account and assign them the license
Account Admin Role and Viewer Ability
By default, a new learner will have viewing privileges only. If you would like to make them an administrator, check the Account Admin box. An account admin will be a viewer by default, meaning they will consume a license. If needed, you can uncheck the Learner box if the user should be Admin only, not consuming a license.
Adding Learners to Groups
New learners can be added to your existing groups. They will be a group member (Learner) by default, but can also be assigned admin permissions by selecting the Group Admin radio button. A learner can be added to multiple groups and can hold different permissions in each group. See Account Roles for more information.
Sending and Resending Invitations
After you've added a learner or admin to your team, they will be sent a welcome email with an invitation to create their account and password. If a learner has not signed in, you will see the icon next to their name, indicating that their invitation is pending.
To see all of your learners with pending invitations, check the box next to Invitation Pending at the top of the page.
Select Resend to send a new invitation email to all pending learners or to a select group of learners by checking the boxes next to each learner on the Resend Invitations screen.
Purchasing Additional Licenses
If all of your available licenses have been assigned and at any point you need to add additional learners you may purchase additional licenses by navigating to My account and then to the Learner Management page and selecting the Add more licenses link.
Managing Learners by CSV
You can also manage learners in your account via the comma-separated values (CSV) tool. To do so, select Manage by CSV from the upper right corner of the page.
Manage Data
Download this CSV if you’d like to edit your existing learners with the option to add new learners at the same time, select Download Template from the Manage Data card.
Download Sample Template
Download this template to start adding new learners by clicking Download Template on the Download Sample Template card.
The CSV that you download will have four columns: First Name, Last Name, Email, and Account Admin.
Note: Do not delete or edit the column headers; they are required for a successful import.
In the CSV, you can add new learners and make edits to existing learners as needed. The Account Admin column has two potential inputs: “0” for a non-administrator and “1” for an administrator. If you have questions about what an administrator can do, see Account Roles.
Once your edits are complete, contact your accountability coach or email Learner Support.
Note: This list will only reflect changes to existing learners and new learners added. Unchanged learners will not be listed.
You will receive a confirmation email after your CSV upload has successfully completed.
Removing a Learner
To remove a learner from your account, click on the ellipses ... to the right of their email address and select Remove.
You will see a confirmation message. To continue, select Remove Learner.
After removing a learner, your number of available licenses will increase by one. Your total license count will not be reduced. If you need to reduce your license count, please contact us.
The removed learner's viewing history will remain visible in your reports.
Editing a Learner
To edit a learner’s name or assign admin privileges, click the ellipses ... to the right of their email address and select Edit Learner.
To assign a license to an Account Admin who does not have viewing privileges, click the ellipses ... to the right of their email address and select Assign License.
Transferring Ownership
If you are the current Account Owner and need to transfer ownership to another learner in your organization, go to your Subscription page and click Transfer account ownership.
You will be able to select who you want to transfer account ownership to on your account.
Once you select a learner and click Transfer Account Ownsership, you will then see a confirmation message. To continue, select Yes, transfer ownership.
The new account owner will take over billing responsibilities for the account, but will not receive your historical receipts or access to your billing details.
For more information see our Group Management and Account Roles articles.