Beginning June 1, 2020, CBT Nuggets will no longer be able to offer subscriptions to customers in Mexico. This decision comes after a careful evaluation of Mexico’s Value-Added Tax Law (VATL) amendment. We hope to offer training in Mexico in the future.
Thank you for learning with us.
Annual plans
If you have purchased an annual plan prior to June 1, 2020, you will continue to have access to training, standard support, and accountability coaching until the plan expires.
Monthly plans
If you have purchased a monthly plan prior to June 1, 2020, you will continue to have access to training, standard support, and accountability coaching until the plan expires.
Starting June 1, 2020, you will no longer be automatically billed for the next month; all auto-payments will be canceled.
Data retention and learner privacy
Your payment profile will be deleted after June 1, 2020. To learn more about how your data is used and your privacy rights, see CBT Nuggets' Privacy Policy.